We are pleased to announce that we have entered into a collaboration agreement with FOSS regarding the development of the Trollesmindekvarteret in Hillerød!
FOSS has appointed Thylander’s development unit, Sophienberg Gruppen, as their exclusive partner for the development of the upcoming new area in Hillerød – Trollesmindekvarteret. Over the coming years, FOSS’s former headquarters and production facilities will be transformed into a 40.000 square meter vibrant and attractive neighborhood with a dedicated focus on lasting architecture, (bio)diversity, social cohesion, and urban nature.
Partner and Head of Development in Thylander, Lars Bigom, states: “We are excited to start the transformation of the area and create a vibrant and attractive neighborhood for both residents, neighbors, businesses, and citizens of Hillerød municipality. The area will encompass many different types of housing, sizes, and ownership forms, as we aim to develop a highly diverse area. Additionally, we are committed to constructing the area primarily using biogenic materials and achieving an LCA target of no more than 8 kg/CO2e/m2/year."
The upcoming local plan process is expected to be initiated this year and will take 12-18 months. The provision of the plan will be carried out in close collaboration with FOSS, Hillerød municipality and other important stakeholders.
Partner and Head of Development, Lars Bigom, Phone: +45 21 63 22 35