Thylander is excited to announce a successful first close for our eighth TG Partners fund, 'TGP VIII.', raising more than 50% of the final close target (corresponding to more than 600 mDKK). This marks the continuation of our unique mid-market value-add model, creating market-leading alpha through sourcing and deal-making, portfolio management, ESG initiatives and strategic portfolio exits. 'TGP VIII' will have its geographic focus on Greater Copenhagen, compiling a portfolio of prime residential and office properties across the geography.
Partner & COO, Jarl Greve, expresses his satisfaction with first close:
"We are pleased to receive significant backing for the eighth iteration of the TG Partners series, especially in light of the current fundraising environment. Due to the significant interest in the fund, the first close represents a larger share of the fund's equity target than typical first closes. Additionally, we have a robust pipeline of potential investors to reach the final close target.
This first close, in addition to our recent first close for Build for Life, is further tailwind to our fund management business – a strategic focus of ours. Based on our market-leading track record and highly capable team, we are prudently optimistic that we can continue to deliver excellent value for investors in the mid-market segment.”
As is the case for Build for Life, TGP VIII is ideally positioned to capitalize on the market conditions of the mid-market segment in the coming years. As the market finds a new equilibrium and pent-up divestment demand materializes, the attractiveness of investment opportunities in the segment will be at a decade-high – coupled with a limited downside hard to find elsewhere in the asset class.
Associate Partner and Head of Investor Relations, Nicklas Pedersen, elaborates:
“We would like to thank our investors for entrusting us to invest into this attractive market segment and timing, in which we ourselves highly believe. We are equally excited and proud to welcome repeat investors as well as new investors, which include investors across the investor landscape; large-cap investors, (U)HNWI as well as investors through our distribution partners. In the final close, we look forward to welcome, among others, further investors through the VSO-scheme as well as our distribution partners, from which we have significant amounts of soft commitments.”
Partner, COO, Jarl Greve, phone: +45 3060 8086
Associate Partner, Head of Investor Relations, Nicklas Pedersen: +45 2123 5904